
2012-2013 has been a remarkable year in terms of advancing knowledge in cardiovascular science for the faculty of the Columbia CardioVascular Research Initiative of which the Wu Center is the first component. The Wu center faculty have made incredibly important advances in our understanding of heart disease – how it affects patients and clues that may lead to future treatments that will advance the war on cardiovascular disease. This is a winning team!

Yankee Stadium

To Be Best
Approximately 110 years ago, standing here in Washington Heights about this time of year, it is quite possible you would have heard the crack of a bat and the cheers of fans. Indeed, the Highlanders professional baseball team played right here in Hilltop Park. The location of home plate in Hilltop Park is now memorialized with a bronze replica in the Garden in the center of our campus. Something you may not know is that the Highlanders became the New York Yankees - and the rest is history. The Yankees have become arguably the most successful sports team in history. But even the Yankees have ups and downs, and this year may be a tough one due to age and injuries. An infusion of new resources and talent is always needed in order for a team to stay on top. (con't on pg 3).

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